Many of my clients want a video or two on their website. This is a common request, and understandably. Videos are great for a few reasons, including they help businesses humanise their business online, it provides a different way of communicating by keeping things interesting – and often it shows things that only a video can show.
As a standard practice I don’t recommend my clients put YouTube videos on their website. I recommend they use a privately hosted platform like Vimeo or Wistia. Yes, they cost a few dollars a week, but it is so important to keep visiotrs on your site – on your site! If you are paying for traffic to your website, which many of my clients are, then the last thing you want to do is have them drift off to YouTube (because they see their player on your website and they think “oh, I wonder what else is on YouTube” – and that is what happens!! Once they are gone, they usually won’t come back.
So try to keep YouTube videos off your business website unless a must. Contact Us for more information!